Sunday, February 28, 2010

"This probably makes the ticket considerably more complex."

Considerably more complex...that's the theme for the past week. After we got stuck, Elisee and I got on the developer mailing list and posted a couple questions. We then found out that the way we had decided to solve the problem is not the right way to do it. We completed the ticked and it works as requested, but it is not generic enough or written in the right way.

So now we have to go back and figure out how to add an AbstractHandler class and the ComplexObsHandler interface. The problem we are having right now is trying to figure out how to get to the methods from the jsp pages. We really don't know how they access methods from the jsp. The other problem is trying to figure out how the html is actually generated. Hopefully, Josh will figure this out for all of us ha...

1 comment:

  1. Found it! :D
